Patient engagement and experience is about putting patients at the heart of hospital services.
We believe that people have a right to be actively involved in decisions that affect their lives and well being. The trust listens to and involves patients, carers and the public in all aspects of hospital activity.
Patients, carers and members of the public have the opportunity to get involved in decisions about their healthcare and influence the services they use.
For more information email
Patients admitted to East Cheshire NHS Trust's hospitals will be encouraged to answer a single, simple question to gauge how well their expectations are being met. The question is ‘Overall, how was your experience of the service? using a 'very good' to 'very poor' scale.
Feedback will allow wards and departments to monitor and improve the services they offer.
If you visit any service within East Cheshire NHS, you might be asked to fill out a survey. Please complete to the best of your ability, so we are able to ensure our services meet your needs.
NHS national surveys
The trust takes part in a national programme of surveys to improve patients' experiences of the trust. Taking part in the survey is voluntary and all answers are confidential. If you are selected to take part, you will receive a questionnaire in the post and text message reminders. Surveys are related to inpatients, A+E, maternity, children's and cancer. Previous survey results can be found here.
If you do not want to take part, or have any questions about the survey please contact Catherine Allbright, Patient Experience Manager by emailing: or Alternativelyt call 01625 661560.
Our Patient Experience Panel is comprised of patients, carers and members of the public who work with the Trust to ensure that the views and experiences of patients and carers are heard and acted upon. Please contact the team for more information or if you would like to join.
East Cheshire NHS trust is working to become veteran aware. Part of this process is looking to seek feedback/information from veterans and relatives about how we can improve our services. If you would be interested please email:
It may help to talk to somebody straight away if you are not happy or think that something is wrong. The quickest way to sort things out is to speak to the person in charge of the ward, clinic or service you are using at the time, or contact the Customer Care Service. They will provide a confidential listening service for patients and carers who wish to comment on any aspect of our service.
You may:
Phone: 01625 661449
Freephone: 0800 1613997
Textphone: 01625 663723
If you wish to make a written complaint please write to:
The Chief Executive
East Cheshire NHS Trust
Macclesfield District General Hospital
Victoria Road
SK10 3BL
We will acknowledge your formal complaint in writing within three working days. We will then aim to send a full written reply from the Chief Executive within 45 working days. If we cannot do this, we will tell you why.
Raising concerns or making a complaint will not affect your care or treatment at East Cheshire NHS Trust. We would like to assure you that patients will not be discriminated against as a result of raising any concerns or complaints.
Please note that the Customer Care Service email address should only be used if you are enquiring about an on-going complaint, a PALS concern, if you are making a new complaint or have concerns about your experience at East Cheshire NHS Trust.
This email address should not be used for any other general enquiries. We would kindly request that general enquiry emails are not sent to this email as the team are unable to process these.
Submit a compliment
We welcome feedback from service users, patients, carers and their families when things have gone well or beyond your expectations. We will always pass your feedback onto the team. This can make our staff feel appreciated and increase job satisfaction, motivation and a sense that they have made positive difference.
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