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Congleton War Memorial Hospital

Welcome to Congleton War Memorial Hospital 

We are a relatively small hospital, but with many facilities and services.  As well as providing a wide range of local healthcare outpatient services to the residents of Congleton and surrounding areas, it has a specialist inpatient intermediate care unit. This helps people who no longer need the more acute wards of Macclesfield District General Hospital and can recover in a homely and relaxed environment.

To ensure patients continue to receive safe and effective care, the Minor Injuries Unit at Congleton War Memorial Hospital will remain suspended so that we can continue to direct our staff and resources to support urgent care at Macclesfield Hospital’s Emergency Department.

We acknowledge that some Congleton residents may have to travel further to access emergency treatment. Please visit NHS 111 online or call 111 for 24/7 advice about the most appropriate care for your needs.


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‘Tidal Wave’ of Flu hitting hospitals across the North West

Flu hit hospitals in the North West even harder last week, as a ‘tidal wave’ of infections led to a 28% increase in hospital cases across just seven days.

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Christine Westhead: ‘The hospital means so much to the people of Congleton, and I am proud to be part of this community, providing care and support to those who need it most.’

Christine Westhead, a dedicated Staff Nurse on the Aston Unit, shares her heartfelt experiences in nursing and her inspiring goal to raise funds for the ward as a centenary gift to the hospital.

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